May 23, 2013

Thursday Giveaway: We like to move it, move it!

If you haven't heard by now, Cotton Babies is on the move!

For the last couple of weeks, we've been working extremely hard to relocate our warehouse and corporate headquarters.

Since our staff is busy packing and moving EVERY. SINGLE. PRODUCT. in our offices, we've come to appreciate a few extra minutes of free time each day.

We want to celebrate our big move — especially since it's almost complete — and to do so, ONE random person will win a 6-pack of bumGenius Freetime Diapers!

Want to enter this week's giveaway? Just tell us how you like to spend your free time in the comment section below. You can also improve your chances of winning through bonus entries!

Thank you for your patience as we set up our new location.

Good things come to those who wait.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Eastern time, Tuesday, May 28, 2013. U.S. residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn after the close of the contest and notified via e-mail. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. We hereby release Facebook of any liability.


  1. I love to knit in my free time!

  2. Anonymous8:54 AM

    We like to spend our free time having family time together, going to the park, swimming, taking walks, going out for ice cream =)

  3. I love spending my free time with my boys and going for a run around our neighborhood!

  4. I spend my free time reading!

  5. I love to spend my free time sewing, reading natural birthing books, and catching up on my DVR shows! I'm a mom to currently 3, 3 and under (my oldest turns 4 in June!) so free time is TRULY precious to me! I LOVE the bumGenius Free time diapers (I have 5 in my stash now) and would do a happy dance if I could win more! They're my favorite so far!! Keep rockin on, Cottonbabies! You guys are doing great things!!

  6. I love to spend my free time outside! Wether it be reading a book, walking, riding a bike, or just lounging around :).

  7. When we leave the house, we love to take the kids to the arcade or the zoo. Personal free time I spend either sewing or reading books to keep my mommy brain sane and give it a mini-vacay!

  8. At 28 weeks pregnant, I spend my free time SLEEPING before the little one arrives :)

  9. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Hmm.. freetime... sometimes I forget what that is! A little online shopping is always fun. -Melanie

  10. Since me and my husband are both active duty military and spend a lot of time away from our 3 year old and 8 month old, we spend every availible minute with our little rug rats.

    And we wouldn't have it any other way.

  11. I like to sleep! :) Or read.

  12. In my spare time I like to sit. No seriously... I like to sit down and put my feet up! I often do work for my Origami Owl business in spare time but when I can.... I just breathe!! Little kiddos are exhausting!

  13. I would love to do nothing but cuddle my baby in my free time. That rarely happens, though! There is always something to do or clean!

  14. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I've been spending all of my free time in the garden. I'm loving every second of it!!

  15. Amanda8:57 AM

    Free time... free time... I think I know what that means! :) I work in the community mental health field, so my 2 kidlets are in daycare. How I spend my free time depends on how exhausted I am! :)

    Just this past week, I finished work early and headed to daycare to spend time with my beautiful ginger-kids. :) Several people asked me WHY I wasn't at home napping... I love my kiddos and they charge me up. :)

    Yesterday, I finished up early (niiiice) and came home. I started to do notes, but my brain wasn't with it. So, I turned on the tv for background noise... laid down and cuddled with one of my fluffy huskies. :)

  16. Getting as much rest as needed

  17. I love spending my free time with my kids. We love going to walks on a nature trail or just hanging out in thw back yard. Being a mom to 5 kids 8 years old and under is amazing and I love it. We love your diapers.

  18. hiking and reading.

  19. Kate S.8:58 AM

    Running, knitting, and reading. During my solo-time, my favorite thing to do is go to the coffee shop and write, knit, or read.

  20. In the evenings my husband and I try to have a date night/movie night twice a week. Its a nice break, since we spend the rest of our free time reading parenting books and birthing books in preparation for #2. Hopefully we can have a healthy baby and two sane parents this fall with our combined efforts!

  21. Hanging out with my hubby and 3 year old!

  22. Mara Rossbach8:58 AM

    I read if I'm childless, or we go to the park!

  23. Melanie Lundberg Beckmann

  24. Megan Peitsch8:59 AM

    Sleep or sit in the recliner, drink a chai, and 'cruise' facebook.

  25. I love to spend my free time reading.

  26. I like to do all sorts of things - sleep, read, craft. I guess it depends on my mood. I usually clean the house, though :)

  27. I love to sit out on the patio with my husband, the baby monitor, and a crossword puzzle after our six-month-old is down for the night.

  28. anything outdoors!

  29. Annah9:03 AM

    I enjoy spending free time reading, walking, spending time with my husband. Homeschooling with 4 kids doesn't leave much time for that!

  30. Napping, looking at Pinterest, baking, and vegging out (we've been watching a lot of West Wing lately).

  31. Reading, sleeping, shopping online for baby coming soon!

  32. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I spend what little free time I get reading

  33. I spend my free time on my new craft business :) Gotta earn $$ to buy more diapers!

  34. I love to spend my free time, with both of my kiddos outside playing in the yard.

  35. Stephanie9:04 AM

    We enjoy taking our girls to the park or zoo. We like to be outside in our free time.

  36. I love to knit in my free time! Also love going to local amusement parks with my family. :)

  37. Going for a bike ride or a walk outside!

  38. Anonymous9:07 AM

    I love spending time with my 2 girls or reading (which has to happen after bedtime). :)

  39. Melissa Jacobs9:07 AM

    Freetime? what's that? I have 6 kids so freetime is very rare, but my favorite freetime activity is going to get a massage. only happens like twice a year, but it's total bliss!

  40. I like to knit, dance or read in my free time

  41. I like to spend my free time with my babies.... doing anything!

  42. I am on the internet in my free time :)

  43. I enjoy spending my free time with my family in the outdoors. We love the zoo and taking walks out just going to the park.

  44. I love to spend my free time digging in the dirt! Planting fruits and veggies to keep our family healthy and flowers to make our home beautiful.

  45. I love spending my free time with my husband and two children ( ages 8 and 1). We enjoy playing games, going places, making music, art, and doing things that are fun. Right now we are having a great time preparing for our new home.

  46. Monica9:09 AM

    Sleep ;P

  47. Anonymous9:10 AM

    With 3 boys and 5 month old twin girls, I take the time to sleep!

  48. Anna P9:10 AM

    I like to spend my free time with my husband. He works a lot and I'm a full time graduate student/SAHM, so the free time that we have alone is very rare!

  49. I love to just sit and be. Quiet is hard to come by with 2 little ones.

  50. Sleeping, reading, and of course with 2 year old daughter and soon to be baby boy.

  51. Hmmm free time... I love to read. Lately it has been all baby care books but when I am not neck deep in baby land I like to read fluffy fiction. Authors like Sophie Kinsella, Emily Giffin, etc... Other than that I like to hang out with my husband. It doesn't matter what we are doing, we always have fun together. :)

  52. I love to just play on the floor with my little guy in my free time. I also enjoy taking a bath and watching some TV by myself.

  53. I love knitting, crocheting, sewing- mostly making cute things for my girlies.

  54. Free time used to be more frequent before 3 kids, when I get some now... I spend it wisely... resting up for the next round! :-)

  55. Napping or finding new fun recipes that the baby AND we enjoy. Now that he is 13 months feeding is so much fun!

  56. I work from home and with 4 kids 5 and under I don't have much free time, but we love to go to the park when we have extra time between school and errands. when I have mommy time I like to sew, knit, bake and garden.

  57. Maegan S.9:15 AM

    One day after my baby was born, I spent my free time creating a blog. Since then, I spend my free time blogging. It isnt a lot of time, but being a first time mom, I needed an outlet and a way to share. I love blogging about my little Princess and being a mom!

  58. I enjoy spending my free time with my family relaxing and doing fun things. Being on the beach is always a plus!

  59. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I spend most of my free time looking for new freetimes! Im a first time mom of a now 6month old baby girl, I always knew Id cloth diaper because my mother did with all 6 of us, and after so much research m husband and I chose your aio's as our diaper of coice, and im addicted! Other than that, we like to ride and spend time with our Arabian/Quarter horse Mare, in sunny FL.

  60. I like to spend my free/me time crocheting and catching up on my favorite TV shows!

  61. I love to spend my free time reading a good book while taking a hot bath

  62. I like to spend free time being outdoors with my husband and dog before our baby arrives in the next 6 weeks!

  63. Kaitlyn V9:18 AM

    As bad as it sounds, I spend my free time organizing, re-organizing and re-organizing some more my cloth diapers! I'm always trying different ways of organization to make things easier or different.

  64. Samantha9:19 AM

    In my freetime I like to read a book, or shop for more cloth diapers!

  65. I spend all of my free time with my girls mostly. If I do get some extra time, (if they are napping at the same time) I like to sew or shop for cloth diapers online. :)

  66. Brittney Griffith Kohl9:23 AM

    I spend my free time creating things for my son! He is due in September and he is my first! I love making his crib sheets, crib skirts, diapers, blankets, and much more! I cant wait to meet him, so I occupy myself making him lots of stuff and day dreaming of his handsome little face! <3

  67. Diane9:23 AM

    I used to spend all of my free time I spend every free moment playing outside with my daughter!

  68. Free time?!?! What is that? LOL! With 4 kids and a deployed hubby, I rarely have free time, but when those rare moments happen, I usually just chill for a little while and relax :)

  69. I love spending my free time with my son.its amazing to spend time with my 6 month old.

  70. I spend my free time volunteering or at the library!

  71. Melissa9:25 AM

    I love sunny days enjoying hiking, exploring, horses, and rollercoasters with my husband of 18 years (this month), our awesome, five children and three, silly dogs. We're all mesmerized to have a new baby joining our family later this year, so the horseback riding and rollercoasters are on hold...I couldn't think of a happier reason to miss out one summer as this little one is such a miracle! Having fun pulling out my old cloth, including BG, and can't wait to build my stash and CD again!

  72. Reading a just-for-fun book (one with a more complex plot than The Hungry Caterpillar) ;)

  73. I love to spend my freetime (when work is over and the girls are BOTH napping/doing an activity) doing NOTHING! Sitting, looking outside, setting my water glass down without worrying about somebody knocking it over, and maybe even eating something without worrying about cute little fingers getting into something they shouldn't! When those five minutes are over, I go back to doing my favorite job in the world- being a busy mommy!

  74. Didi Kammeyer9:29 AM

    I like to take hot baths, by myself.

  75. We love walking out in the woods or just sitting in rocking chairs and talking.

  76. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Sleeping and playing with my two boys

  77. I love to play candycrush :) just being honest! lol

  78. I love spending freetime with my husband and son. We are expecting a second son in sept, so we are enjoying the one on one time with our son until his brother arrives :)

  79. I like to knit, and sew, and read. Usually not at the same time, though.

  80. I love spending my freetime doing fun things with the family.

  81. Free time? What's that? Lol. I like to spend the free time I get enjoying my husbands company, or taking a bath!

  82. Andrea S9:36 AM

    I like to relax with a walk, talk to my hubby while he's deployed and do yoga.

  83. I spend my free time out doors with my babies.

  84. With 3 small children at home, I'm a stay at home mom & wife of a deployed soldier, what little free time I have, I spend it resting.

  85. I like to spend my free time going to long walks. When my son is out of school he goes with me and rides his bike!

  86. I love to run! Just to get my body moving and doing something feels good!

  87. sleep, reading, candy crush - Michelle

  88. In what little free time I have, I spend playing with my son. He's just starting to practice walking so I want to be there every second. We spend a lot of time sitting on the floor playing with toys.

  89. I love to read. I've recently discovered a love and knack for sewing. Snuggling with my husband and or baby. Talking on the phone. Cruising pinterest. Lots more I'm sure!!

  90. love to be outside!

  91. Definitely sleeping! Not getting much these days with a newborn.

  92. Digital scrapbook!!

  93. Jenn Paine9:48 AM

    I spend my freetime catching up on my shows!

  94. I love to spend my free time with my husband, son, and daughter. He works a lot so any chance we get to do things as a family, I take advantage of it. During my personal free time I love to bake, read, and look for new ways to save money - our recent discovery is cloth diapers :]

  95. Love spending my freetime (mostly naptime) either reading or sewing on my latest project!

  96. Sarah9:51 AM

    For free time with the kids, we love going to the park! For free time by myself I like to read, or fold laundry while watching an episode of one of my favorite shows! (My newest favorite is Call the Midwife).

  97. Love packing up for a spur of the moment weekend camping trip...

  98. I love going for a walk with a friend!

  99. Free time? What is that? lol I feel like I spend my 'free time' catching up on housework, but I realize that isn't true 'free' time! I use to have the phrase 'me' time; during those times I did whatever I found joy in, be it reading, watching tv or a movie, scrapbooking, or doing photography. I feel like most of us mama's just don't have enough free time! :)

  100. At this point in my life I'm 32 weeks pregnant with #3, have a 1.5 year old, and a newly turned 3 year old. I enjoy spending my free time (what is that again?:) SLEEPING!

  101. Amber9:59 AM

    With my son, sitting on the porch swing singing songs. With my husband, watching a movie. By myself, being creative - scrapping, sewing, etc.

  102. I love to spend our free time outside with our boys, nothing better than seeing them enjoy the fresh air!

  103. What free time?! haha I like to sew in my free time or just play with the kids with my hubby.

  104. My 8-month-old still wakes up several times a night, so I prefer to spend my free time napping! But since both kids rarely sleep at the same time, I generally end of reading or cross-stitching so I'm aware enough to keep the 3-year-old from tearing the house down :)

  105. I like to go bike riding with the family in my free time! :)

  106. I love to read, and sew

  107. I like to read or work on my kids photobooks!

  108. Free time = nap time for me!

  109. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Cook and craft!

  110. besides taking care of my husband, preparing the nursery for our baby girl's pending arrival in 3 1/2 weeks, sewing and reading.

  111. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I'm nine weeks pregnant so - eating!;)

  112. I like to spend my free time reading and sewing.

  113. Tina Cisco10:08 AM

    I honestly think that as of lately I have chosen not to have free time. my SO offers to tend to the kids so i can have me time but I'd rather have family time most days.

  114. I spend my free time reading historical fiction.

  115. Free time in the garden when the weather's good, or in the kitchen with other people

  116. I love spending time outside with the kids or if it is me time, getting a pedicure.

  117. I spend my free time reading, doing various crafts, and being outside now that summer has arrived!

  118. I spend my free time playing with my baby and cleaning the house

  119. I spend free time outside catching up on reading or making up silly songs for my boys.

  120. I like to spend my free time reading and sleeping.

  121. Love to snuggle with my girls!

  122. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I love taking walks, going to the park, really anything outside with the kids. I also LOVE chatting with my online friends:)

  123. Cuddling with my baby girl!

  124. I don't have much free time with 4 small children, but lately when I do have some, I find myself planning the arrival of our 5th baby :)

  125. Playing fetch with the dogs, snuggling the baby, and blog reading!

  126. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Playing with my 3 awesome little boys!

  127. Right now all of my free time is spent sleeping. This last month of pregnancy has hit me like a wall, but only 3 weeks until I meet my little peanut!

  128. I like to go for walks with my family. I also love reading and knitting, when I have time

  129. I spend my free time reading - either by my self our to my baby!

  130. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I love to go bike riding and/or camping with my family in my freetime!!! BTW LOOOOVE freetimes!!!

  131. I love to spend my freetime running and researching healthy recipes to cook for my family.

  132. I love watching movies with my munchkin, going to the park (well, not at the moment since I'm too pregnant to chase him if he darts off), crocheting, and blogging :)

  133. I spend my free time with my little family and building our home:)

  134. What is this FreeTime???? Ha, my free time is spent on my Kindle, sleeping or reading.

  135. I'm a new mom. When my 6 week old is down for a nap or I get any free time at all, I need either a nap or a nice, hot bath to relax.

  136. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I like to spend my free time cooking!
    Bre'elle Allen

  137. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Spending time with my kids, playing games and reading..

  138. Jessica R11:05 AM

    I like to spend my free time with my children in our backyard. We paint, practice catching for baseball and play lawn games.

  139. I love going for walks in my free time.

  140. Starting to sew a couple pad, pail liner and some diy for my boy nurseries.

  141. What free time!? I'd spend it either catching up on sleep or reading probably.

  142. Stefanie11:12 AM

    As the mother of an 8 week old infant, I spend my free time sleeping!

  143. I spend my free time either reading or sleeping.

  144. When I have free time I like to sleep or catch up on shows on the dvr.

  145. I'm a mom of 5. There's no such thing. However, lately my most favorite thing to do is just watch and play with my kids-it's funny how just a few minutes with them makes all of us so happy, I'm really focusing on them each and every day. I can have a clean house in 20 years!

  146. I sew, sleep, or read.

  147. When it stops raining in Oregon I love to head outside and work in my garden watching how things grow and change everyday!

  148. Right now I spend most of my free time sleeping!

  149. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I sleep on my free time or catch up on my favorite tv shows.

  150. I like photography, knitting, crochet, drawing and painting with my littles, a good book and a glass of wine.

  151. Michele H. (mariemp23@hotmail.com11:29 AM

    I love to crochet, sew, and read.

  152. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I like to spend my free time with my husband enjoying a couple craft brews!

  153. penny potechin11:37 AM

    Had a baby 10 days ago, so currently extra sleep is a priority. When I don't need as much, I love to read, crochet, and watch movies with my husband or our older three boys.

  154. Anonymous11:42 AM

    I usually get sucked into facebook lol!

  155. I love spending free time reading or looking for new recipes :)

  156. I like to do laundry, watch the Food Network, and sleep in my free time!

  157. I love to do gardening in my free time!

  158. I currently have no free time with my 3 week old son. If I find free time now, I'm pumping or napping. Pre-newborn I spent my free time reading.

  159. I go through phases. Sometimes I read, craft, watch tv, or nap!

  160. I like to spend my freetime outside, preferably camping, or reading.

  161. Reading, writing or just taking a nap!

  162. We love going to the park, visiting family in the area, and watching the boys learn to fish!

  163. freetime is best spent napping

  164. I love to spend my free time outside! Just reading a book or having a bonfire in the backyard with my family.

  165. Taking the family to the beach!!

  166. Jennifer A12:38 PM

    Taking a hot shower!

  167. Free time? In the event that I have some I like to craft things, camp, read, or hike.

  168. I like to read, catch up with friends, craft, garden, spend time with my husband, or watch a movie.

  169. I like to workout in my free time! :)

  170. In my free time ... Bikram yoga, read, knit, watch tv. :) Oh, and do girls nights and date nights. :) I never have enough free time but always enough "want to do's" for when I do have some time!!!

  171. I like to be outside in my free time!

  172. i love spending my free time gardening...or if its a rainy day, watching movies on netflix.

  173. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Reading, catch up on Tv, or sleeping

  174. I love spending my free time in at the beach laying in the sun. If I only have a short time, then I just spend it in the shower. Every mom loves a few extra minutes alone in the shower! Especially when baby is a newborn and you're busy 24/7.

  175. Reading or watching a TV show!

  176. Cassie1:45 PM

    I like to spend my free time outside with my family cooking out, spending time at the park, and swimming.

  177. Read and then sleep...

  178. I like to take my girls to the park, and to crochet and watch really bad movie...

  179. NAPPING! I used to read a lot, and wish I still did, but sleep is so precious!

  180. I would LOVE to spend my freetime traveling the world with my baby girl. Obviously, she would be wearing her BG's!

  181. In nice weather, my husband and I like to garden and play outside with my son. For a bit of quiet relaxation, I like to read with a nice cup if tea. Napping is also up there, since I'm 26 wks pregnant...

  182. We love camping. I love reading novels in my free time while camping.

  183. In the little bit of time I have that is truly free (this does not include cleaning, showering, going to grad school, or anything like that!) I love to cook! For me, cooking something, a new recipe or an old favorite, is relaxing and a great way to unwind. Having a glass of wine is optional but highly recommended! :-)

  184. Spending time in our swimming pool. It is hot here in Texas!

  185. Katy Savolskis3:42 PM

    we love to hike! we live in the Pacific Northwest so the Olympic Mountains are our favorite spot. we even take our 2 weims!

  186. I'm pregnant with baby #2 and have a spunky 15 month old. Any free time I have I just want to take a NAP! :)

  187. Silas' Mommy3:53 PM

    I LOVE spending my free time sewing, hanging at the beach, running, and biking. Can't wait until my little guy is big enough to go to the beach and learn how to ride the waves with Mommy! He takes all my free time right now, but thats my favorite! Snuggles with baby:) Love BG Freetime!

  188. As a mother of a newborn I spend my free time sleeping!

  189. Sleeeeeeeeeep. And read. And write.

  190. Tara ( PM

    Reading while my kids play nearby.

  191. My favorite free time would be a good book and a cup of hot tea while my 2 boys quietly (hahaha!) play nearby.

  192. I like to knit. Right now (I'm 9 months pregnant with a 3 year old) I like to sit and stress about all the things I need to do. Ha.

  193. Erica6:01 PM

    In my free time I love to cuddle up with my kids and watch a movie, eventually we take a nap!

  194. sleep! I seldom have free time as I have been breastfeeding my newborn constantly

  195. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I love to spend my freetime browsing the web for baby information, catching up on facebook, gardening, and spending time with my husband.

  196. Anonymous8:22 PM

    As a first time new mom to my now 3 month old baby girl, I like to spend my free time sitting still with a cup of tea or indulging in an extra long shower!

  197. My free time is reading or napping :-)

  198. Margot8:59 PM

    I love to embroider on my free time, it is so relaxing and I make something pretty as the end result.
